Implementing Client-Side Row-Level Security with jOOQ

Some time ago, we’ve promised to follow up on our Constraints on Views article with a sequel showing how to implement client-side row-level security with jOOQ.

What is row-level security?

Some databases like Oracle or PostgreSQL provide native support for row-level security, which is awesome – but not every database has this feature.

Row level security essentially means that a given database session can access only some rows in the database, but not others. For instance, this is what John can see in his session:

id  account_owner  account_name             amount
1 John savings 500.00
2 Jane savings 1300.00
3 John secret poker stash 85193065.00

In the above example, assume that John and Jane are a married couple with access to each others’ bank accounts, except that John wants to hide his secret poker stash from Jane because he’s planning on running away with Jill to the Bahamas living the good life. So, the above would model John’s view on the data set, whereas the below would model Jane’s:

id  account_owner  account_name             amount
1 John savings 500.00
2 Jane savings 1300.00

The nice thing about row-level security is the fact that the data is completely hidden from a database session, as if it weren’t even there. This includes aggregations or filtering, as can be seen in the below examples of John’s view:

id  account_owner  account_name             amount
1 John savings 500.00
2 Jane savings 1300.00
3 John secret poker stash 85193065.00
Total John+Jane 85194865.00

vs. Jane’s view:

id  account_owner  account_name             amount
1 John savings 500.00
2 Jane savings 1300.00
Total John+Jane 1800.00

If your database doesn’t support row-level security, you will need to emulate it somehow. One way to do that is by using views, and possibly, temporary tables or some context variables:

CREATE VIEW my_accounts AS
  accounts a
  account_privileges p
ON = p.a_id
  p.privilege_owner = SYS_CONTEXT('banking', 'user');

In the above example, I’m using Oracle’s SYS_CONTEXT function, which allows accessing global context from the current session. This context could be initialised every time a JDBC Connection is fetched from the connection pool, for instance.

What if your database doesn’t support these things?

jOOQ to the rescue! Starting with jOOQ 3.19, there is now out of the box support for something similar to PostgreSQL’s POLICY feature, where you can simply declare:

Configuration configuration = ...;
configuration.set(new DefaultPolicyProvider()

    // Append a Policy to the PolicyProvider

        // The table on which to apply a policy

        // The condition to apply to queries against the table

And now, all of your queries, including subqueries, DML statements, etc. will always have this one additional predicate being added to them!

Historic approach using jOOQ’s VisitListener

Before jOOQ 3.19, you could roll your own implementation using the VisitListener Service Provider Interface (SPI), which has been introduced for precisely this reason, which allows jOOQ users to perform SQL AST transformations while the SQL statement is being generated.

We’re assuming:

CREATE TABLE accounts (
  account_owner VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
  account_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
  amount DECIMAL(18, 2) NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE transactions (
  account_id BIGINT NOT NULL,
  amount DECIMAL(18, 2) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO accounts (
  account_owner, account_name, amount
VALUES (1, 'John', 'savings', 500.0),
       (2, 'Jane', 'savings', 1300.0),
       (3, 'John', 'secret poker stash', 85193065.00);

INSERT INTO transactions (
  id, account_id, amount
VALUES (1, 1, 200.0),
       (2, 1, 300.0),
       (3, 2, 300.0),
       (4, 2, 800.0),
       (5, 2, 200.0),
       (6, 3, 85193065.00);

Adding a simple WHERE clause

This is the simplest transformation use-case:

-- turn this...

-- ... into this
WHERE IN (?, ?) -- Predicate, for simplicity

Adding an AND clause to an existing WHERE clause

The transformation should still work, if there is already an existing predicate

-- turn this...
accounts.account_owner = 'John'

-- ... into this
accounts.account_owner = 'John'
AND IN (?, ?)

Adding the predicate also for aliased tables

When doing self-joins or for whatever other reason you might have applied an alias

-- turn this...
accounts a

-- ... into this
accounts a
WHERE IN (?, ?)

Adding the predicate also in subqueries / joins / semi-joins

Of course, we shouldn’t restrict ourselves to patching top-level SELECT statements. The following transformation must be applied as well:

-- turn this...
transactions t
t.account_id IN (
accounts a
a.account_owner = 'John'

-- ... into this
transactions t
t.account_id IN (
accounts a
a.account_owner = 'John'
AND IN (?, ?)


Adding the predicate to foreign key references

This might be easily forgotten, but in fact, we also want to add an additional predicate to all foreign key references of, namely transactions.account_id, especially when the transactions table is not joined to the accounts table:

-- turn this...
transactions t

-- ... into this
transactions t
t.account_id IN (?, ?)

Long story short, we would like to find all queries that refer to the accounts table in some form, and add a simple predicate to it, implementing access control.

DISCLAIMER: As always with security, you should implement security on several layers. SQL AST transformation is not trivial, and the above scenarios are incomplete. Besides, they work only for queries that are built using the jOOQ AST, not for plain SQL queries, or for queries that are run via JDBC directly, via Hibernate, or via stored procedures, views (which in turn refer to the accounts table), or simple table synonyms.

So, read this post as a tutorial showing how to perform AST transformation, not as a complete solution to row-level security

How to do it with jOOQ?

Now comes the interesting part. We’re going to do the whole thing with jOOQ. First off, remember that in order to implement backwards-compatible SPI evolution, we always provide a default implementation for our SPIs. In this case, we’re going to extend DefaultVisitListener instead of implementing VisitListener directly.

The base of our VisitListener will be the following:

public class AccountIDFilter extends DefaultVisitListener {

    final Integer[] ids;

    public AccountIDFilter(Integer... ids) {
        this.ids = ids;

In other words, a filtering listener that filters for a given set of IDs to be put in an IN predicate.

Now, first off, we’ll need a bit of utility methods. The following two utilities push or pop some objects on top of a stack:

void push(VisitContext context) {
    conditionStack(context).push(new ArrayList<>());

void pop(VisitContext context) {

… and the stack can be seen here:

Deque<List<Condition>> conditionStack(
        VisitContext context) {
    Deque<List<Condition>> data = (Deque<List<Condition>>)"conditions");

    if (data == null) {
        data = new ArrayDeque<>();"conditions", data);

    return data;

Deque<Boolean> whereStack(VisitContext context) {
    Deque<Boolean> data = (Deque<Boolean>)"predicates");

    if (data == null) {
        data = new ArrayDeque<>();"predicates", data);

    return data;

In prose, the conditionStack maintains a stack of conditions for each subquery, whereas the whereStack maintains a stack of flags for each subquery. The conditions are the conditions that should be generated in the WHERE clause of the given subquery, whereas the flags indicate whether a WHERE clause is already present (i.e. whether new conditions should be appended using AND, rather than WHERE).

For convenience, we’ll also add the following utilities:

List<Condition> conditions(VisitContext context) {
    return conditionStack(context).peek();

boolean where(VisitContext context) {
    return whereStack(context).peek();

void where(VisitContext context, boolean value) {

These utilities allow for accessing both the conditions and flags at the top of the stack (in the current subquery), as well as for replacing the flag at the top of the stack.

Why do we need a stack?

It’s simple. We want to apply the predicate only locally for the current subquery, while jOOQ transforms and generates your SQL statement. Remember, when we were transforming the following:

transactions t
t.account_id IN (
accounts a
a.account_owner = 'John'
AND IN (?, ?)

t.account_id IN (?, ?)

… in the end, we want two additional predicates generated in the above query. One in the subquery selecting from accounts, and another one in the top-level query selecting from transactions, but the two predicates shouldn’t interfere with each other, i.e. when jOOQ generates the subquery, we only want to see objects that are relevant to the subquery (top of the stack).

So, let’s see how and when we push stuff on the stack. First off, we need to listen for start and end events of SQL clauses:

starting a SQL clause

This is straight-forward. Every time we enter a new SQL statement, we want to push a new set of data (conditions, flags) on the stack. In a way, we’re creating a local scope for the subquery:

public void clauseStart(VisitContext context) {

    // Enter a new SELECT clause / nested select
    // or DML statement
    if (context.clause() == SELECT ||
        context.clause() == UPDATE ||
        context.clause() == DELETE ||
        context.clause() == INSERT) {

Of course, this scope has to be cleaned up at the end of the same clause:

public void clauseEnd(VisitContext context) {
    // [ ... more code will follow ... ]

    // Leave a SELECT clause / nested select
    // or DML statement
    if (context.clause() == SELECT ||
        context.clause() == UPDATE ||
        context.clause() == DELETE ||
        context.clause() == INSERT) {

This was the easy part. Now, it gets a bit more interesting. When we end a clause, and that clause is a WHERE clause of a SELECT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, then we want to render an additional keyword and predicate:

public void clauseEnd(VisitContext context) {

    // Append all collected predicates to the WHERE
    // clause if any
    if (context.clause() == SELECT_WHERE ||
        context.clause() == UPDATE_WHERE ||
        context.clause() == DELETE_WHERE) {
        List<Condition> conditions = 

        if (conditions.size() > 0) {
                   ? "and" 
                   : "where"
                   .sql(' ');

                DSL.condition(Operator.AND, conditions)

    // [ ... code from previous snippet ... ]

So, the only thing we still need to do is assemble that List<Condition> on the stack of the current query, such that we can append it to the WHERE clause, as well as the flag that decides between "and" and "where". This can be done by overriding visitEnd(), a method that is invoked at the end of visiting a QueryPart (as opposed to a Clause):

public void visitEnd(VisitContext context) {

    // We'll see what this means in a bit...
    pushConditions(context, ACCOUNTS, 
        ACCOUNTS.ID, ids);
    pushConditions(context, TRANSACTIONS, 

    // Check if we're rendering any condition within
    // the WHERE clause In this case, we can be sure
    // that jOOQ will render a WHERE keyword
    if (context.queryPart() instanceof Condition) {
        List<Clause> clauses = clauses(context);

        if (clauses.contains(SELECT_WHERE) ||
            clauses.contains(UPDATE_WHERE) ||
            clauses.contains(DELETE_WHERE)) {
            where(context, true);

List<Clause> clauses(VisitContext context) {
    List<Clause> result = asList(context.clauses());
    int index = result.lastIndexOf(SELECT);

    if (index > 0)
        return result.subList(index, result.size() - 1);
        return result;

At the end of each query part…

  • we’re trying to push the relevant conditions on the stack if applicable
  • we’re checking to see if a WHERE clause is present and set the relevant flag

So, finally, the core logic contained in pushConditions() is the only thing missing, and that’s:

<E> void pushConditions(
        VisitContext context, 
        Table<?> table, 
        Field<E> field, 
        E... values) {

    // Check if we're visiting the given table
    if (context.queryPart() == table) {
        List<Clause> clauses = clauses(context);

        // ... and if we're in the context of the current
        //  subselect's FROM clause
        if (clauses.contains(SELECT_FROM) ||
            clauses.contains(UPDATE_UPDATE) ||
            clauses.contains(DELETE_DELETE)) {

            // If we're declaring a TABLE_ALIAS...
            // (e.g. "ACCOUNTS" as "a")
            if (clauses.contains(TABLE_ALIAS)) {
                QueryPart[] parts = context.queryParts();

                // ... move up the QueryPart visit path to find the
                // defining aliased table, and extract the aliased
                // field from it. (i.e. the "a" reference)
                for (int i = parts.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                    if (parts[i] instanceof Table) {
                        field = ((Table<?>) parts[i]).field(field);

            // Push a condition for the field of the
            // (potentially aliased) table

And we’re done! Whew – well, that certainly wasn’t too easy. AST transformation never is. But the above algorithm is robust and can be used to run all of the aforementioned queries.

Testing the above

Configuration configuration = create().configuration();

// This configuration has full access to all rows
DSLContext fullaccess = DSL.using(configuration);

// This configuration has restricted access to IDs 1 and 2
DSLContext restricted = DSL.using(
            new AccountIDFilter(1, 2)

// Fetching accounts
assertEquals(3, fullaccess.fetch(ACCOUNTS).size());
assertEquals(2, restricted.fetch(ACCOUNTS).size());

Generating the following SQL:

where "PUBLIC"."ACCOUNTS"."ID" in (
1, 2
// Fetching transactions
assertEquals(6, fullaccess.fetch(TRANSACTIONS).size());
assertEquals(5, restricted.fetch(TRANSACTIONS).size());

Generating the following SQL:

1, 2
// Fetching John's accounts
assertEquals(asList(1, 3), fullaccess.fetchValues(
assertEquals(asList(1   ), restricted.fetchValues(

Generating the following SQL:

order by 1 asc
and "PUBLIC"."ACCOUNTS"."ID" in (
1, 2

order by 1 asc
// Fetching John's accounts via an aliased table
Accounts a ="a");
assertEquals(asList(1, 3), fullaccess.fetchValues(
assertEquals(asList(1   ), restricted.fetchValues(

Generating the following SQL:

select "a"."ID"
from "PUBLIC"."ACCOUNTS" "a"
where "a"."ACCOUNT_OWNER" = 'John'
order by 1 asc
select "a"."ID"
from "PUBLIC"."ACCOUNTS" "a"
where "a"."ACCOUNT_OWNER" = 'John'
and "a"."ID" in (
1, 2

order by 1 asc
// Fetching John's transactions
Transactions t ="t");
assertEquals(asList(1, 2, 6), fullaccess.fetchValues(
assertEquals(asList(1, 2   ), restricted.fetchValues(

Generating the following SQL:

select "t"."ID"
where "t"."ACCOUNT_ID" in (
select "a"."ID"
from "PUBLIC"."ACCOUNTS" "a"
where "a"."ACCOUNT_OWNER" = 'John'
order by 1 asc
select "t"."ID"
where "t"."ACCOUNT_ID" in (
select "a"."ID"
from "PUBLIC"."ACCOUNTS" "a"
where "a"."ACCOUNT_OWNER" = 'John'
and "a"."ID" in (
1, 2

and "t"."ACCOUNT_ID" in (
1, 2

order by 1 asc


The above examples have shown how row-level security can be implemented relatively easily using jOOQ’s VisitListener, a very powerful Service Provider Interface for client-side SQL AST transformation.

The applications don’t stop there. It is easy to see how you can implement a VisitListener that throws an exception every time you run a DML query that does not have a WHERE clause.


Another application would be to replace a table by a similar table, whenever a certain condition is true.

And the best thing is: With jOOQ, you don’t need to parse SQL in order to transform it (which is extremely hard, depending on the SQL dialect). You already manually build an Abstract Syntax Tree using jOOQ’s fluent API, so you get all these features for free.

So: Happy SQL transformation!

jOOQ: The best way to write SQL in Java

Appendix: Full code

import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static org.jooq.Clause.DELETE;
import static org.jooq.Clause.DELETE_DELETE;
import static org.jooq.Clause.DELETE_WHERE;
import static org.jooq.Clause.INSERT;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_FROM;
import static org.jooq.Clause.SELECT_WHERE;
import static org.jooq.Clause.TABLE_ALIAS;
import static org.jooq.Clause.UPDATE;
import static org.jooq.Clause.UPDATE_UPDATE;
import static org.jooq.Clause.UPDATE_WHERE;
import static org.jooq.test.h2.generatedclasses.Tables.ACCOUNTS;
import static org.jooq.test.h2.generatedclasses.Tables.TRANSACTIONS;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.List;

import org.jooq.Clause;
import org.jooq.Condition;
import org.jooq.Field;
import org.jooq.Operator;
import org.jooq.QueryPart;
import org.jooq.Table;
import org.jooq.VisitContext;
import org.jooq.impl.DSL;
import org.jooq.impl.DefaultVisitListener;

public class AccountIDFilter extends DefaultVisitListener {

    final Integer[] ids;

    public AccountIDFilter(Integer... ids) {
        this.ids = ids;

    void push(VisitContext context) {
        conditionStack(context).push(new ArrayList<>());

    void pop(VisitContext context) {

    Deque<List<Condition>> conditionStack(VisitContext context) {
        Deque<List<Condition>> data = (Deque<List<Condition>>)"conditions");

        if (data == null) {
            data = new ArrayDeque<>();
  "conditions", data);

        return data;

    Deque<Boolean> whereStack(VisitContext context) {
        Deque<Boolean> data = (Deque<Boolean>)"predicates");

        if (data == null) {
            data = new ArrayDeque<>();
  "predicates", data);

        return data;

    List<Condition> conditions(VisitContext context) {
        return conditionStack(context).peek();

    boolean where(VisitContext context) {
        return whereStack(context).peek();

    void where(VisitContext context, boolean value) {

    <E> void pushConditions(VisitContext context, Table<?> table, Field<E> field, E... values) {

        // Check if we're visiting the given table
        if (context.queryPart() == table) {
            List<Clause> clauses = clauses(context);

            // ... and if we're in the context of the current subselect's
            // FROM clause
            if (clauses.contains(SELECT_FROM) ||
                clauses.contains(UPDATE_UPDATE) ||
                clauses.contains(DELETE_DELETE)) {

                // If we're declaring a TABLE_ALIAS... (e.g. "T_BOOK" as "b")
                if (clauses.contains(TABLE_ALIAS)) {
                    QueryPart[] parts = context.queryParts();

                    // ... move up the QueryPart visit path to find the
                    // defining aliased table, and extract the aliased
                    // field from it. (i.e. the "b" reference)
                    for (int i = parts.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                        if (parts[i] instanceof Table) {
                            field = ((Table<?>) parts[i]).field(field);

                // Push a condition for the field of the (potentially aliased) table

     * Retrieve all clauses for the current subselect level, starting with
     * the last {@link Clause#SELECT}.
    List<Clause> clauses(VisitContext context) {
        List<Clause> result = asList(context.clauses());
        int index = result.lastIndexOf(SELECT);

        if (index > 0)
            return result.subList(index, result.size() - 1);
            return result;

    public void clauseStart(VisitContext context) {

        // Enter a new SELECT clause / nested select, or DML statement
        if (context.clause() == SELECT ||
            context.clause() == UPDATE ||
            context.clause() == DELETE ||
            context.clause() == INSERT) {

    public void clauseEnd(VisitContext context) {

        // Append all collected predicates to the WHERE clause if any
        if (context.clause() == SELECT_WHERE ||
            context.clause() == UPDATE_WHERE ||
            context.clause() == DELETE_WHERE) {
            List<Condition> conditions = conditions(context);

            if (conditions.size() > 0) {
                       .keyword(where(context) ? "and" : "where")
                       .sql(' ');

                context.context().visit(DSL.condition(Operator.AND, conditions));

        // Leave a SELECT clause / nested select, or DML statement
        if (context.clause() == SELECT ||
            context.clause() == UPDATE ||
            context.clause() == DELETE ||
            context.clause() == INSERT) {

    public void visitEnd(VisitContext context) {
        pushConditions(context, ACCOUNTS, ACCOUNTS.ID, ids);
        pushConditions(context, TRANSACTIONS, TRANSACTIONS.ACCOUNT_ID, ids);

        // Check if we're rendering any condition within the WHERE clause
        // In this case, we can be sure that jOOQ will render a WHERE keyword
        if (context.queryPart() instanceof Condition) {
            List<Clause> clauses = clauses(context);

            if (clauses.contains(SELECT_WHERE) ||
                clauses.contains(UPDATE_WHERE) ||
                clauses.contains(DELETE_WHERE)) {
                where(context, true);

20 thoughts on “Implementing Client-Side Row-Level Security with jOOQ

  1. Hi, I just used this to implement row-level security in my application. I refactored the code a little bit to make it more compatible with our standards and moved the ‘condtions’ and ‘wheres’ stacks to private fields in the filter. It doesn’t seem to break anything but the stacks are not put in the VisitContext anymore. It is ok to do that or will it have a sneaky side effect that I don’t see ?

    1. Thanks for the feedback! Hmm, hard to say, I’d have to see code or more explanations. Essentially, the question is whether you will ensure those private fields are accessed in a thread-safe manner. That’s the advantage of the VisitContext, which is guaranteed not to be shared among threads, or even among consecutive queries. But of course, there are other means of implementing similar functionality, e.g. we’ve observed people using ThreadLocal for that…

  2. I am using a new DefautDSLContext for every queries and and then set the a new VisitListener in the context :

    context.configuration().set(DefaultVisitListenerProvider.providers(new AccountIdFilter(accountName)));

    I would think that every query has it’s own instance of AccountIdFilter.

    Anyways, thank you for the quick anwser. I will add some tests to make sure that those private fields are accessed in a thread-safe manner.

    1. I am using a new DefautDSLContext for every queries and and then set the a new VisitListener in the context […] I would think that every query has it’s own instance of AccountIdFilter.

      If you do this every single time, then yes. Do note, however, that Configuration has been designed to be shared among threads. Ideally, you would be implementing a VisitListenerProvider that produces a new AccountIdFilter. It will be called every time for a new query, regardless if you share the Configuration or not. Just to stay on the safe side. You know… :)

    1. It is almost always better to use the features in your database than any client feature. If your database supports row level security, by all means, use your database feature, don’t implement it yourself in jOOQ. Chances are very high that the database feature is much more robust than whatever you can build yourself. Also, any jOOQ solution will only work for jOOQ queries – you may want to have other applications connect to the same database, e.g. some Perl script, etc.

      Likewise, it’s possible to implement triggers using jOOQ’s various listeners, but why not just use the trigger functionality offered by the database (in most cases)?

      Hope this helps

  3. We are currently using jOOQ 3.11 in our project. Inspired by this blog post we also implemented our own row level security with jOOQ.

    We are not sure if we have implemented something wrong, but we think that your suggested implementation does not work for queries which do not end with the WHERE clause / conditions, i.e. queries that have “group by”, “order by”, “limit”, etc. at the end. The row level constraint is added at the end of that clause which renders the SQL statement invalid.

    Example: the SQL statement

    SELECT a.account_name, a.amount
    FROM accounts a
    WHERE a.type = ?
    ORDER BY a.amount

    would be rendered into

    SELECT a.account_name, a.amount
    FROM accounts a
    WHERE a.type = ?
    ORDER BY a.amount
    AND IN (?, ?) -- generated row constraint

    Since the generated condition is appended during execution of the clauseEnd method, we think that we have to inspect the AST for “group by”, “order by”, etc. and insert the generated condition before that clause.

    Or do you have another idea?

    Additional question: In jOOQ 3.11 org.jooq.Clause had been marked as deprecated. Will there be any replacements in the future?

    1. Thanks for your message. Is that an assumption of yours or did you try to implement this and got the results you’ve gotten? Our integration tests cover cases where there are additional clauses after the WHERE clause, and they seem to work just fine.

      Regarding the deprecation of the org.jooq.Clause type, please refer to for more details. In short: Yes, there will be a replacement – you can safely use Clause right now. Equivalent functionality will be possible, although it might look quite different in the future.

      1. Thanks for your fast reply, Lukas.
        We debugged our row constraint filter implementation and found out that we indeed did a coding mistake.
        In the clauseEnd() method we checked the context clauses for SELECT, UPDATE or DELETE instead of SELECT_WHERE, UPDATE_WHERE and DELETE_WHERE. So it was logical that the whole condition was appended at the end of our DML, i.e. behind the order by, group by, limit, etc. clauses.

        It seems to work perfectly since we corrected our implementation.

        Thanks for your feedback and also for the information regarding replacement for the deprecated classes.

  4. Hi, inspired from this example we implemented row level constraints in our project and it works perfectly. Thanks!

    Based on this we also tried to use it for reading history tables with a second VisitListener.
    Basically the VisitListener should replace the original table with the history table and add an additional where condition for the temporal restriction. The history table has all the columns from the original table and additional columns for the temporal validity of the row.


    select *
    from user
    where user_id = 3;

    should be replaced with

    select *
    from user_history
    where user_id = 3
    and organisation_id in (1234) // from VisitListener row level constraints
    and timestamp ‘2019-01-25 16:31:55.337’ between evt_from and evt_to; // VisitListener history

    So far I have an implementation with some problems:
    – if both VisitListener (row level constraints and for temporal restriction) are active, all where clauses (from both listeners) are added twice
    – when using table aliases it works, but not without. in this case, the original table name is used as alias
    – just on simplifying my example to comment here, I discovered another problem: It works with selectFrom(table) but not when selecting fields of a table (there the table name was not replaced)

    The table replacement I do in visitStart:
    queryTable = (Table<?>) context.queryPart();
    if (queryTable instanceof User) {
    tableHistory = UserHistory.USER_HISTORY;

    Before spending more time to figure out the detail problems it would be good to know if this has the potential to be a good solution or should this be done with another JOOQ feature.
    Especially I’m thinking of these points:
    – should it work with more than one VisitListener which are modifying a query?
    – is it possible to replace tables the described way?

    1. Thank you very much for your message. The VisitListener SPI was designed for exactly this and similar use cases. However, there is a substantial amount of work to get it right as you have noticed. For example, several VisitListeners can transform a given SQL statement at the same time, and it will be their responsibility to communicate this with each other.

      I’m not sure what the aliasing problem is, exactly, but this is something you have to manage yourself as well.

      I’m also not sure what you mean by this working with selectFrom(table), but not when projecting fields. In any case, if you do rename a table, or change the semantics of a table, it will be your responsibility to adapt the table references in all the possible scopes where the table is accessible. You’re probably overlooking quite a few things, including other clauses than SELECT (such as WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY), where table references could be present and might need to be adapted. Also, subqueries could reference the table as well, and you need to update the references, perhaps.

      There will be another jOOQ feature in the near future that will make replacing tables by views much simpler, but it will take quite a bit of refactoring the internals, so I cannot make any promises about this yet:

      Regarding your questions:

      should it work with more than one VisitListener which are modifying a query?

      Yes, but it will be more difficult because intra VisitListener communication is your own responsibility.

      is it possible to replace tables the described way?

      Yes, but it’s definitely more work than you may think it is, right now :)

  5. Hi Lukas, thanks four your response. In the meantime I have a working solution. To avoid the complex query modification. I’m using the table mapping of the configuration to redirect from the normal tables to the history tables. It is done by having two configuration. The normal and the configuration for reading the history. In a VisitListener I added the conditions for the temporal restriction. Since the additional columns of the history tables are not known there, I just reference them as string (e.g. DSL.field(“from_date)).

  6. Hello Lukas

    Thanks for this excellent Blog Post and the detailed explanations on how to implement row-level security with a visit listener.

    I know, this is an older Post and was wondering, if this is still relevant or if there are other ways of how to achieve this with newe jOOQ versions?

    Nevertheless, I tried out your code in our Project and it worked quite well, with one exception – it adds the conditions twice to every select and subselect. Is this a known limitation or have you an idea, why this happens? Tested with jOOQ 3.13.4 and 3.14.0.

    The generated Query for a single select looks as this:

    from "SITE"
    where "SITE"."ARCHIVED_AT" is null
    and "SITE"."ARCHIVED_AT" is null

    And the one wit a subselect as this:

    from "SITE"
    where "SITE"."ID" in (
      select "SITE"."ID"
      from "SITE"
      where "SITE"."CUSTOMER_ID" = (
        from "LC_CONFIGURATION"
        where "LC_CONFIGURATION"."ID" = 100097
      and "SITE"."ARCHIVED_AT" is null
      and "SITE"."ARCHIVED_AT" is null
    and "SITE"."ARCHIVED_AT" is null
    and "SITE"."ARCHIVED_AT" is null

    As you can see, the condition to add (“SITE”.”ARCHIVED_AT” is null) will be added twice.

    Thanks for your reply.


    1. Thanks for your message. Yes, it’s still relevant. There will be a new experimental API that might simplify these things starting from jOOQ 3.16, the new query object model. Instead of listening to events, you can actively traverse the expression tree for expressions, which makes the processing a lot simpler – less need for pushing stuff into stacks to “remember”.

      The reason why you’re getting things added twice is probably because you’re doing something twice, or because you mutate the original SQL query (which you shouldn’t do!). Have you debug-stepped through your listener to see why it happens?

      I might be able to help you further if I can see your code? Can you reduce it to an “MCVE” (minimal, complete, verifiable example)? We have templates here:

      1. Hello Lukas, thanks for the fast response.

        I was able to resolve the issue, it was my bad. I had registered two different Visit Listeners, both pushing the data to the conditions stack and predicate stack with the same key:“predicates”, data);“conditions”, data);

        As soon as I introduced unique keys for the two different Listeners, the outcome was as expected.

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