Java 8 Friday: 10 Subtle Mistakes When Using the Streams API

At Data Geekery, we love Java. And as we’re really into jOOQ’s fluent API and query DSL, we’re absolutely thrilled about what Java 8 will bring to our ecosystem.

Java 8 Friday

Every Friday, we’re showing you a couple of nice new tutorial-style Java 8 features, which take advantage of lambda expressions, extension methods, and other great stuff. You’ll find the source code on GitHub.

10 Subtle Mistakes When Using the Streams API

We’ve done all the SQL mistakes lists: But we haven’t done a top 10 mistakes list with Java 8 yet! For today’s occasion (it’s Friday the 13th), we’ll catch up with what will go wrong in YOUR application when you’re working with Java 8. (it won’t happen to us, as we’re stuck with Java 6 for another while)

1. Accidentally reusing streams

Wanna bet, this will happen to everyone at least once. Like the existing “streams” (e.g. InputStream), you can consume streams only once. The following code won’t work:

IntStream stream = IntStream.of(1, 2);

// That was fun! Let's do it again!

You’ll get a
  stream has already been operated upon or closed
So be careful when consuming your stream. It can be done only once

2. Accidentally creating “infinite” streams

You can create infinite streams quite easily without noticing. Take the following example:

// Will run indefinitely
IntStream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1)

The whole point of streams is the fact that they can be infinite, if you design them to be. The only problem is, that you might not have wanted that. So, be sure to always put proper limits:

// That's better
IntStream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1)

3. Accidentally creating “subtle” infinite streams

We can’t say this enough. You WILL eventually create an infinite stream, accidentally. Take the following stream, for instance:

IntStream.iterate(0, i -> ( i + 1 ) % 2)

  • we generate alternating 0’s and 1’s
  • then we keep only distinct values, i.e. a single 0 and a single 1
  • then we limit the stream to a size of 10
  • then we consume it
Well… the distinct() operation doesn’t know that the function supplied to the iterate() method will produce only two distinct values. It might expect more than that. So it’ll forever consume new values from the stream, and the limit(10) will never be reached. Tough luck, your application stalls.

4. Accidentally creating “subtle” parallel infinite streams

We really need to insist that you might accidentally try to consume an infinite stream. Let’s assume you believe that the distinct() operation should be performed in parallel. You might be writing this:

IntStream.iterate(0, i -> ( i + 1 ) % 2)

Now, we’ve already seen that this will turn forever. But previously, at least, you only consumed one CPU on your machine. Now, you’ll probably consume four of them, potentially occupying pretty much all of your system with an accidental infinite stream consumption. That’s pretty bad. You can probably hard-reboot your server / development machine after that. Have a last look at what my laptop looked like prior to exploding:
If I were a laptop, this is how I'd like to go.
If I were a laptop, this is how I’d like to go.

5. Mixing up the order of operations

So, why did we insist on your definitely accidentally creating infinite streams? It’s simple. Because you may just accidentally do it. The above stream can be perfectly consumed if you switch the order of limit() and distinct():

IntStream.iterate(0, i -> ( i + 1 ) % 2)

This now yields:
Why? Because we first limit the infinite stream to 10 values (0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1), before we reduce the limited stream to the distinct values contained in it (0 1). Of course, this may no longer be semantically correct, because you really wanted the first 10 distinct values from a set of data (you just happened to have “forgotten” that the data is infinite). No one really wants 10 random values, and only then reduce them to be distinct. If you’re coming from a SQL background, you might not expect such differences. Take SQL Server 2012, for instance. The following two SQL statements are the same:

-- Using TOP

-- Using FETCH

So, as a SQL person, you might not be as aware of the importance of the order of streams operations. jOOQ, the best way to write SQL in Java

6. Mixing up the order of operations (again)

Speaking of SQL, if you’re a MySQL or PostgreSQL person, you might be used to the LIMIT .. OFFSET clause. SQL is full of subtle quirks, and this is one of them. The OFFSET clause is applied FIRST, as suggested in SQL Server 2012’s (i.e. the SQL:2008 standard’s) syntax. If you translate MySQL / PostgreSQL’s dialect directly to streams, you’ll probably get it wrong:

IntStream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1)
         .limit(10) // LIMIT
         .skip(5)   // OFFSET

The above yields
Yes. It doesn’t continue after 9, because the limit() is now applied first, producing (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9). skip() is applied after, reducing the stream to (5 6 7 8 9). Not what you may have intended. BEWARE of the LIMIT .. OFFSET vs. "OFFSET .. LIMIT" trap!

7. Walking the file system with filters

We’ve blogged about this before. What appears to be a good idea is to walk the file system using filters:

     .filter(p -> !p.toFile().getName().startsWith("."))

The above stream appears to be walking only through non-hidden directories, i.e. directories that do not start with a dot. Unfortunately, you’ve again made mistake #5 and #6. walk() has already produced the whole stream of subdirectories of the current directory. Lazily, though, but logically containing all sub-paths. Now, the filter will correctly filter out paths whose names start with a dot “.”. E.g. .git or .idea will not be part of the resulting stream. But these paths will be: .\.git\refs, or .\.idea\libraries. Not what you intended. Now, don’t fix this by writing the following:

     .filter(p -> !p.toString().contains(File.separator + "."))

While that will produce the correct output, it will still do so by traversing the complete directory subtree, recursing into all subdirectories of “hidden” directories. I guess you’ll have to resort to good old JDK 1.0 File.list() again. The good news is, FilenameFilter and FileFilter are both functional interfaces.

8. Modifying the backing collection of a stream

While you’re iterating a List, you must not modify that same list in the iteration body. That was true before Java 8, but it might become more tricky with Java 8 streams. Consider the following list from 0..9:

// Of course, we create this list using streams:
List<Integer> list = 
IntStream.range(0, 10)

Now, let’s assume that we want to remove each element while consuming it:
    // remove(Object), not remove(int)!

Interestingly enough, this will work for some of the elements! The output you might get is this one:
If we introspect the list after catching that exception, there’s a funny finding. We’ll get:
[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
Heh, it “worked” for all the odd numbers. Is this a bug? No, it looks like a feature. If you’re delving into the JDK code, you’ll find this comment in ArrayList.ArraListSpliterator:
 * If ArrayLists were immutable, or structurally immutable (no
 * adds, removes, etc), we could implement their spliterators
 * with Arrays.spliterator. Instead we detect as much
 * interference during traversal as practical without
 * sacrificing much performance. We rely primarily on
 * modCounts. These are not guaranteed to detect concurrency
 * violations, and are sometimes overly conservative about
 * within-thread interference, but detect enough problems to
 * be worthwhile in practice. To carry this out, we (1) lazily
 * initialize fence and expectedModCount until the latest
 * point that we need to commit to the state we are checking
 * against; thus improving precision.  (This doesn't apply to
 * SubLists, that create spliterators with current non-lazy
 * values).  (2) We perform only a single
 * ConcurrentModificationException check at the end of forEach
 * (the most performance-sensitive method). When using forEach
 * (as opposed to iterators), we can normally only detect
 * interference after actions, not before. Further
 * CME-triggering checks apply to all other possible
 * violations of assumptions for example null or too-small
 * elementData array given its size(), that could only have
 * occurred due to interference.  This allows the inner loop
 * of forEach to run without any further checks, and
 * simplifies lambda-resolution. While this does entail a
 * number of checks, note that in the common case of
 *, no checks or other computation
 * occur anywhere other than inside forEach itself.  The other
 * less-often-used methods cannot take advantage of most of
 * these streamlinings.
Now, check out what happens when we tell the stream to produce sorted() results:

This will now produce the following, “expected” output
And the list after stream consumption? It is empty:
So, all elements are consumed, and removed correctly. The sorted() operation is a “stateful intermediate operation”, which means that subsequent operations no longer operate on the backing collection, but on an internal state. It is now “safe” to remove elements from the list! Well… can we really? Let’s proceed with parallel(), sorted() removal:

This now yields:
And the list contains
Eek. We didn’t remove all elements!? Free beers (and jOOQ stickers) go to anyone who solves this streams puzzler! This all appears quite random and subtle, we can only suggest that you never actually do modify a backing collection while consuming a stream. It just doesn’t work.

9. Forgetting to actually consume the stream

What do you think the following stream does?

IntStream.range(1, 5)
         .peek(i -> { 
              if (i == 5) 
                  throw new RuntimeException("bang");

When you read this, you might think that it will print (1 2 3 4 5) and then throw an exception. But that’s not correct. It won’t do anything. The stream just sits there, never having been consumed. As with any fluent API or DSL, you might actually forget to call the “terminal” operation. This might be particularly true when you use peek(), as peek() is an aweful lot similar to forEach(). This can happen with jOOQ just the same, when you forget to call execute() or fetch():

   .set(TABLE.COL1, 1)
   .set(TABLE.COL2, "abc")

Oops. No execute() jOOQ, the best way to write SQL in Java Yes, the “best” way – with 1-2 caveats ;-)

10. Parallel stream deadlock

This is now a real goodie for the end! All concurrent systems can run into deadlocks, if you don’t properly synchronise things. While finding a real-world example isn’t obvious, finding a forced example is. The following parallel() stream is guaranteed to run into a deadlock:

Object[] locks = { new Object(), new Object() };

    .range(1, 5)
    .peek(Unchecked.intConsumer(i -> {
        synchronized (locks[i % locks.length]) {

            synchronized (locks[(i + 1) % locks.length]) {

Note the use of Unchecked.intConsumer(), which transforms the functional IntConsumer interface into a, which is allowed to throw checked exceptions. Well. Tough luck for your machine. Those threads will be blocked forever :-) The good news is, it has never been easier to produce a schoolbook example of a deadlock in Java! For more details, see also Brian Goetz’s answer to this question on Stack Overflow.


With streams and functional thinking, we’ll run into a massive amount of new, subtle bugs. Few of these bugs can be prevented, except through practice and staying focused. You have to think about how to order your operations. You have to think about whether your streams may be infinite. Streams (and lambdas) are a very powerful tool. But a tool which we need to get a hang of, first. Stay tuned for more exciting Java 8 articles on this blog.

28 thoughts on “Java 8 Friday: 10 Subtle Mistakes When Using the Streams API

  1. Nice post. No real great mystery, though, on the parallel behavior on #8. ArrayList operations are simply not thread safe. This is documented. If you replace ArrayList::new with Vector::new or () -> Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()), or if you put your remove() call in a synchronized block, you get the expected behavior.

    1. That seems correct at first, but I still get a ConcurrentModificationException with this:

      List<Integer> list = Collections.synchronizedList(
          IntStream.range(0, 10)

      At the same time, I just ran this again:

      List<Integer> list =
          IntStream.range(0, 10)

      … and I got this result:

      [5, 8, 9, 9]

      No ConcurrentModificationException, yet the list::remove seems to have duplicated a value! This does seem a bit mysterious, and I think it doesn’t strictly have anything to do with thread safety, but really with the fact that modifying the backing collection of a stream from within the stream pipeline is a bad idea in general

      1. I don’t think ArrayList will throw a ConcurrentModificationException at all; it just doesn’t check for that for remove(). The duplicated value is probably just because two threads are trying to decrement size at the same time, and one failed. (well, obviously, four failed in total).

        I do find it interesting that I never got a CME when I played with it, and looking at it now, it seems that it’s because I had the .sorted() call from your second example. Specifically, this works fine (gives me an empty list at the end):

            List list = IntStream.range(0, 10000)

        But if I remove that .sorted() call, I get the CME. That’s kind of interesting.

        Definitely, though, it’s a bad idea to modify the backing list.

        1. I don’t think ArrayList will throw a ConcurrentModificationException at all; it just doesn’t check for that for remove().

          remove() updates the internal modCount, which might cause a CME at some other place.

          Definitely, though, it’s a bad idea to modify the backing list.

          Yes, that’s the essence of it :-)

          1. remove() *attempts* to update the internal modCount, but if it is called concurrently without synchronization, these attempts may fail just like the primary data update. There is no guaranty that concurrent updates get detected at all. The documentation clearly says that this detection is made on a “best effort” basis and won’t sacrifice performance by making the modCount update thread-safe.

      2. It throws out an CME in your first code snippet may be because the synchronized list cannot be iterated while modified at the same time. The JavaDoc of Collections.synchronizedList says you need to synchronize on the list when iterating it. I don’t know if forEach uses iterator internally but I guess the CME is thrown out due to similar reasons.

        In your second snippet, I cannot find any problems. You are iterating a buffer and you are concurrently modifying another synchronized list. I copied your code and ran it on my machine several times and it always produce the correct order. Even if I add 500 integers to the list, it is still giving correct result.

        1. Thank you for your feedback. By “first code snippet”, did you mean item #8? Because there shouldn’t be any CME in the very first code snippet… Or am I missing something?

    1. That won’t recurse into directories. I wasn’t aware of the Files.isHidden() method. Does it behave in the same way as checking for a leading dot in the file name (on all OS’s)?

      1. Re: not recursing into subdirectories I wasn’t sure whether that was desirable or not — if it is, Files.walk (like in the original) is fine.

        Re: “leading dot”, no, it doesn’t always check for leading dot — it checks against the OS’s native “hidden” functionality.

        If you really only want to check for leading dot on the filename, you can do p -> !p.getFileName().toString().startsWith(“.”), which really isn’t that much different than the original, just…checking the actual filename instead of the entire path.

        1. Well, the article was about these being subtle mistakes, so the implied intention was not to recurse into hidden subdirectories

          1. Right right…yeah, even my last solution doesn’t work, come to think of it, since it’ll still recurse into subdirectories. What you REALLY want is Files.walkFileTree — then in your FileVisitor#preVisitDirectory override you can return false if it’s a hidden directory to prevent traversal into that subtree. It’s a pretty “heavy” API though…

            1. I had considered Files.walkFileTree when I wrote that post and … I’m really amazed by the fact that after all these years, the JDK dev teams have not gotten around to implementing a very simple, recursive, and sensible implementation taking a SAM argument for filtering, like Files.list()… I mean, if you’re working with files, don’t you want to recurse? Oh well :)

  2. You are wrong about #3.
    distinct() will not continously consume items. It will consume one item at a time.
    Only 10 items will be consumed and your application will not stall.

  3. 8. Modifying the backing collection of a stream

    Puzzled me, thanks :)

    ArrayList instance holds internal array and ArrayList#remove uses System.arraycopy which produces observed unpredictable results when done on the same ArrayList instance concurrently (concurrent internal array copy).

    Naive fix is to create CopyOnWriteArrayList instead of ArrayList for the modifying collection:

    List list = 
    IntStream.range(0, 10)
      1. Yes, Collection#removeIf is good example without multithreading, but it also modifies backing array.

        The whole idea of multithreaded collection modification seems risky (like any other side effects) and not sure if it’s worse doing ever. Please correct me if you have some example in mind, thanks :)

        1. The parallel example was a misleading one, just to show that even if things work sometimes, they won’t always work if there’s not a guarantee in the API contract.

          So, while there’s not really any contract forbidding the “concurrent” modification of a backing collection, there’s also no guarantee for this to work.

          In this case, “concurrent” is a misleading term, because it really means that a modification happens at the same time as the iteration, i.e. before the iteration has finished. It doesn’t imply actual multi-threaded concurrency.

          1. new ArrayList(list).stream()


            In the above example iterating collection is not modified, but effect is the same.

            Also ArrayList javadoc warns about concurrent modification requires external synchronization:

            * Note that this implementation is not synchronized.
            * If multiple threads access an ArrayList instance concurrently,
            * and at least one of the threads modifies the list structurally, it
            * must be synchronized externally. (A structural modification is
            * any operation that adds or deletes one or more elements, or explicitly
            * resizes the backing array; merely setting the value of an element is not
            * a structural modification.) This is typically accomplished by
            * synchronizing on some object that naturally encapsulates the list.

            BTW thanks for the quick replies! :)

            1. Your latest example does something else, of course :)

              Yes, the ArrayList Javadoc warns about this but again this is about multi-threaded concurrent modification, not about single-threaded “concurrent” modification.

  4. Almost feels like a bug in the distinct operator but…I guess it wants to be “reliable” and not pass through values immediately [?] what if it’s parallel does it work? or does distinct cause a global halt?

    1. What makes you think so? I’m assuming you’re referring to this example here:

      IntStream.iterate(0, i -> ( i + 1 ) % 2)

      It prints


      … prior to running forever. It does not halt but tries to find the next 8 distinct values.

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