QueryDSL vs. jOOQ. Feature Completeness vs. Now More Than Ever

This week, Timo Westkämper from QueryDSL has announced feature completeness on the QueryDSL user group, along with his call for contributions and increased focus on bugfixes and documentation. Timo and us, we have always been in close contact, observing each other's products. In the beginning of jOOQ in 2009, QueryDSL was ahead of us. But … Continue reading QueryDSL vs. jOOQ. Feature Completeness vs. Now More Than Ever

A SQL query DSL for Scala by ScalikeJDBC

There are a tremendous amount of SQL APIs natively written in Scala. Manuel Bernhardt has summarised a nice collection in his a post. Another collection of Scala SQL APIs can be seen in this Stack Overflow question. One API that we want to focus on in particular is ScalikeJDBC (licensed ASL 2.0), which has recently … Continue reading A SQL query DSL for Scala by ScalikeJDBC

SQL in Scala, where jOOQ could go

I have recently blogged about how simple it is to integrate jOOQ into Scala. See the full blog post here: https://blog.jooq.org/the-ultimate-sql-dsl-jooq-in-scala/ I'm more and more thrilled by that option, as Scala is one of the fastest emerging JVM languages nowadays. The plain integration of a Java library in Scala leaves some open questions. jOOQ knows … Continue reading SQL in Scala, where jOOQ could go