Using SQL to Calculate the Popularity (on Stack Overflow) of Derby, H2, and HSQLDB

Few people know about this very very awesome feature of the Stack Exchange platform. The Stack Exchange Data Explorer To be found here: As you may know, much of the Stack Exchange platform runs on SQL Server (interesting architecture details here:, and the team has had the courtesy of making a lot of … Continue reading Using SQL to Calculate the Popularity (on Stack Overflow) of Derby, H2, and HSQLDB

How to Find the Longest Consecutive Series of Events in SQL

A very interesting problem that can be solved very easily with SQL is to find consecutive series of events in a time series. But what is a consecutive series of events in a time series? Take Stack Overflow, for example. Stack Overflow has a cool reputation system that uses badges to reward certain behaviour. As … Continue reading How to Find the Longest Consecutive Series of Events in SQL

Java 8 Friday: Language Design is Subtle

At Data Geekery, we love Java. And as we're really into jOOQ's fluent API and query DSL, we're absolutely thrilled about what Java 8 will bring to our ecosystem. Java 8 Friday Every Friday, we're showing you a couple of nice new tutorial-style Java 8 features, which take advantage of lambda expressions, extension methods, and … Continue reading Java 8 Friday: Language Design is Subtle

The Top 10 Productivity Booster Techs for Programmers

This is the list we've all been waiting for. The top 10 productivity booster techs for programmers that - once you've started using them - you can never do without them any longer. Here it is: 1. Git Before, there were various version control systems. Better ones, worse ones. But somehow they all felt wrong … Continue reading The Top 10 Productivity Booster Techs for Programmers

The Announcer Badge on Stack Overflow

It just struck me like lightning. I just realised one (surely not the only) very important reason, why Stack Overflow always winds up at least once in the top 10 search results on Google for virtually any programming-related search. The Announcer Badge. When you share a link to a Stack Overflow question or answer using the … Continue reading The Announcer Badge on Stack Overflow

jOOX answers many Stack Overflow questions

When you search for Stack Overflow questions regarding XML, DOM, XPath, JAXB, etc, you could very often answer them simply with an example involving jOOX. Take this question extract for example: Goal My goal is to achieve following from this ex xml file : <root> <elemA>one</elemA> <elemA attribute1='first' attribute2='second'>two</elemA> <elemB>three</elemB> <elemA>four</elemA> <elemC> <elemB>five</elemB> </elemC> </root> … Continue reading jOOX answers many Stack Overflow questions