Using Java 13+ Text Blocks for Plain SQL with jOOQ

Most jOOQ users use the jOOQ DSL API, which provides compile time type safety and an easy way to write dynamic SQL.

But occasionally, this DSL get in the way, because it might be

  • Overkill for some very simple quick and dirty SQL queries
  • Too limited when running very advanced vendor specific SQL, such as Oracle’s MODEL or MATCH_RECOGNIZE clauses

In such cases, you can still benefit from jOOQ’s many secondary features, including for example its nice integration with the Stream API, export functionality, and much more. Think of jOOQ as an improved JDBC!

Starting with Java 13, when enabling preview features, you can now make use of text blocks, or “multi line strings”, which are very useful for embedding static SQL strings in Java code (and XML, JSON, regular expressions, etc). There are two main use cases for using text blocks in jOOQ:

Plain SQL

The main use case is to use plain SQL and also plain SQL templating. For example, to run a quick and dirty jOOQ query like this on H2 or PostgreSQL, for example:

        SELECT table_schema, count(*)
        FROM information_schema.tables
        GROUP BY table_schema
        ORDER BY table_schema

(unfortunately, this blog’s syntax highlighter is not quite there yet…)

The output is jOOQ’s nicely formatted text result:

|MCVE              |       2|
|PUBLIC            |       1|

The above is a simple plain SQL query, but we can also make use of plain SQL templating with text blocks! What if we wanted to have a dynamic GROUP BY clause?

Always assuming this static import:

import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.*;

We can now write:

        list(field("table_schema"), field("table_type")))
    .forEach(q -> {
          SELECT {0}, count(*), row_number() OVER (ORDER BY {0}) AS rn
          FROM information_schema.tables
          GROUP BY {0}
          ORDER BY {0}
          """, q));

We’ve written a dynamic SQL query with jOOQ, but without using much type safety (we could still use some type safe, generated schema object references if we wanted to). jOOQ’s plain SQL templating capabilities are a much underestimated feature set. People have been using MyBatis for many years precisely for these purposes, or maybe built home grown, velocity template based frameworks to produce dynamic SQL using native SQL strings.

You can also use jOOQ for this, and profit from all of the jOOQ API, including, again the formatted output from the above:

|INFORMATION_SCHEMA|      33|   1|
|MCVE              |       2|   2|
|PUBLIC            |       1|   3|

|MCVE              |TABLE       |       1|   2|
|MCVE              |VIEW        |       1|   3|
|PUBLIC            |TABLE       |       1|   4|

All of this was available before text blocks, but with text blocks, it makes even more sense to use these features. There is not just one way to use jOOQ, but this approach is really very underestimated!

The parser

Another very important jOOQ feature that works with string based SQL is the jOOQ parser. There are a variety of use cases for using jOOQ’s parser, as we’re adding more and more features to it. One use-case is simple formatting of SQL. Why would you want to do this? One example is to standardise your SQL strings for better execution plan cache usage. As you may know, some database vendors (e.g. Oracle) treat these two SQL strings as different:


Observe the irrelevant whitespace difference. Oracle will parse a new SQL string, produce a new SQL_ID, and yet come up with the same execution plan. You don’t want this to happen too often, because it puts a lot of contention on the plan cache and its locks and latches, and creates extra work.

This can happen, nonetheless, with string based dynamic SQL. Using jOOQ’s parser, you can normalise all sorts of SQL strings (including removing comments)

            SELECT table_schema, count(*)
            FROM information_schema.tables
            GROUP BY table_schema
            -- Order by column index!
            ORDER BY 1

The SQL string that gets sent to the JDBC driver is this:

select table_schema, count(*) from information_schema.tables group by table_schema order by 1

Alternatively, you could specify some formatting in jOOQ:

DSLContext ctx = DSL.using(connection, 
    new Settings().withRenderFormatted(true));

And now, the SQL string that gets sent to the JDBC driver is this:

from information_schema.tables
group by table_schema
order by 1

You can tweak the various supported formatting rules, and use this for logging your hand written SQL strings in a human readable way, for example, rather than executing the SQL through jOOQ. The options are endless. You could also translate parser output to some other SQL dialect. Assuming you run your queries against SQL Server, but want to translate them to H2. No problem! The following SQL Server specific query can be run easily on H2 as well:

            SELECT TOP 1 table_schema, count(*)
            FROM information_schema.tables
            GROUP BY table_schema
            ORDER BY count(*) DESC

The translated SQL that gets executed on H2 is this:

from information_schema.tables
group by table_schema
order by count(*) desc
limit 1

Or, because I like showing off:

            SELECT TOP 1 WITH TIES table_schema, count(*)
            FROM information_schema.tables
            GROUP BY table_schema
            ORDER BY count(*) DESC

Producing this in H2:

order by 2 desc
fetch next 1 rows with ties

Or this, in PostgreSQL:

  "v0" as table_schema, 
  "v1" as "count"
from (
    table_schema as "v0", 
    count(*) as "v1", 
    rank() over (order by 2 desc) as "rn"
  from information_schema.tables
  group by table_schema
) "x"
where "rn" > 0
and "rn" <= (0 + 1)
order by "rn"

I know, right?

Parser-derived features

The parser is used in more and more of jOOQ’s many features. Including for example in jOOQ 3.13’s schema diff and management utility.

Run this with jOOQ:

    create table t (
      i int
    alter table t
      add j int;
    alter table t
      add constraint t_pk primary key (i)

I.e. just copy paste your plain SQL schema definitions and increments (as used in Flyway, for example, or hand written while developing them against your database), and start using the entire tool chain on it. For example, the above prints:

create table T(
  I int null,
  J int null,
  constraint T_PK
    primary key (I)

Instead of applying increments to a schema, you can also calculate the diff between two schema versions:

    create table t (
      i int
    create table t (
      i int,
      j int,
      constraint t_pk primary key (i)

And now, the output is the increment we’ve applied earlier

alter table T
  add J int null;
alter table T
  add constraint T_PK
    primary key (I);


jOOQ’s DSL is very powerful because:

  • It offers type safety
  • It is compile time checked
  • It helps with auto completion

But sometimes, it gets in the way and plain SQL strings work better, especially when using text blocks. In that case, jOOQ is still also very powerful. The entirety of the jOOQ tool chain is still available to you behind the scenes. You’re just not using the DSL as an API anymore.

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