Using Testcontainers to Generate jOOQ Code

Database first is at the core of jOOQ’s design. jOOQ has been made primarily for classic systems the database is always there and always has been and will never leave. This is because we think “data have mass”

This not only translates to moving logic closer to the data (see our previous posts about the cost of JDBC round trips or generating vendor agnostic procedural logic), but also avoiding moving data around between migrations (e.g. of RDBMS products).

Compared to how “heavy” data is, applications and UIs come and go. Speaking of go, maybe you’ll replace all of your Java code tomorrow for some go code. But you will keep the database if it isn’t trivial.

With this in mind, jOOQ assumes you have a pre-existing schema, which you manage with Flyway or Liquibase, and then you use jOOQ to reverse engineer your updated schema using the code generator.

The old days

In the old days, setting up an Oracle instance was very heavy, and also hard. I remember working at a company where we had shared development and test instances. The schema was always in flux. We couldn’t assume a stable dev version.

As such, pointing the jOOQ code generator towards a live database used to be a bit of a challenge, which is why jOOQ offers alternative, connection-free code generation modes, including:

  • The JPADatabase, if you have a pre-existing JPA entity based meta model.
  • The XMLDatabase, if you have some form of XML version of your schema, which you can XSL transform to jOOQ’s format
  • The DDLDatabase, which can interpret your DDL scripts, e.g. the ones you pass to Flyway, or the ones produced by pg_dump.
  • The LiquibaseDatabase, which simulates a Liquibase database migration and uses the simulated database output as a source for meta information of the code generator

But all of the above have the same limitation. You can’t really use many vendor-specific features, such as advanced stored procedures, data types, etc.

A modern approach using testcontainers

Ideally, unless you’re supporting several RDBMS products (most people don’t), you should work only with your production database product, say PostgreSQL.

Thanks to, it’s very easy to programmatically, or configuratively, start up a PostgreSQL instance of any version in a Docker container. If you have a SQL script that contains your database, you can supply it to the testcontainers JDBC URL, e.g. like this:


For more information, see their docs about JDBC support. Now, add the testcontainers dependency on your project classpath, e.g.


And use the ContainerDatabaseDriver instead of the actual PostgreSQL driver for your code generation configuration in jOOQ, e.g. when using Maven:





    <!-- Junit seems a transitive dependency of testcontainers? -->

As simple as that! Check out the jOOQ-testcontainers-example for a runnable example that uses testcontainers for code generation using the above approach.

Adding database change management

A real world example would be using again Flyway or Liquibase, etc. to apply a complete database migration to your PostgreSQL instance inside of testcontainers, prior to generating code and/or running your integration tests.

This just slightly complicates things, but doesn’t produce any impossible problems. Instead of creating throwaway containers with a single TC_INITSCRIPT, you will now have to make sure the following steps are executed consecutively in your build somehow:

  1. A testcontainers instance of your database is started
  2. A Flyway or Liquibase migration is run inside of that database
  3. The jOOQ code generator reverse engineers that database
  4. Optionally, your integration tests also reuse the database of that container

Of course you should integration test your code! But for the sake of this discussion, that might be an optional step, as you may have different preferences on how to run those tests, e.g. more globally than just for this module. But in our example, let’s include the tests.

You can find the full example using testcontainers/flyway/jOOQ here.

Start the testcontainers instance

Unfortunately, testcontainers doesn’t ship any Maven / Gradle plugins yet to invoke container lifecycle management during a build. I’ve created a feature request for that here, which you should upvote:

But we can easily help ourselves by using the ever powerful Maven escape hatch that is the groovy-maven-plugin (the ideas are the same for gradle):

      <!-- Start the container in any phase before the actual code
           generation is required, i.e. at the latest in
           generate-sources -->
          db = new org.testcontainers.containers.PostgreSQLContainer(

          // After you've started the container, collect its generated
          // JDBC URL (which contains a random port)
'db.url', db.getJdbcUrl());

So, that starts a container and keeps it running until the build terminates. I won’t show a graceful shutdown, because it’s not needed for the example, but you could implement that as well, of course.

Now, migrate your database

The above database is empty. Now to run the migration, in the example using Flyway, but it will be the same thing with Liquibase.


      <!-- We run the migration in the same phase, before jOOQ's
           code generation -->

        <!-- This URL has been set by groovy, above -->

Add all the additional complexity of your migration in this configuration if you like. jOOQ wouldn’t know anything about it.

Now, generate the code

Again, nothing special here:



      <!-- Same phase as above, but the previous plugins have already
           executed, so we're generating the db post migration -->


          <!-- Again, this URL has been set by groovy, above -->

And finally, optionally, integration test

If you want to re-use the above container with migrated database also in your integration tests, you could just pass along the generated JDBC URL to the maven-surefire-plugin as follows:


      <!-- Again, this URL has been set by groovy, above -->

There are many ways to achieve the same thing, this is one of them that works decently out of the box. You can check out a full example from github here, and play around with it:

More about testcontainers

14 thoughts on “Using Testcontainers to Generate jOOQ Code

  1. Generating jOOQ code with test container is really convenient. Thank you for writing this article.

    If anyone wants a real example in Gradle, we have one in our database project:

    This project has two modules: lib and jooq.

    The jooq modules generates the jooq code. Here is its gradle file using the nu.studer.jooq plugin:

    It depends on a custom database implementation in the lib module. In this custom implementation, we update the database by runing Flyway migrations first:

    With this setup, the jooq code will be automatically updated whenever there is a new migration, or when the Java code is changed.

    1. Thanks a lot for sharing. I’ve posted your approach here on twitter as well, where a fellow jOOQ user has replicated a similar approach:

      Another approach (again using Maven) would be to configure things like this:

      It’s always the same thing, in the end. Somewhere the glue code to connect Testcontainers with Flyway/Liquibase and jOOQ has to be written. Ideally in a way for integration tests to profit from the same testcontainers instances and migrated databases.

    2. It seems that this approach uses testcontainers only for jooq code generation, and the same container is not reused to run tests. Do you have any ideas about how to reuse the same container for subsequent test running?

        1. Oh I’m sorry when I said “this approach” I mean is the the approach posted by Liren Tu. I didn’t find how to integrate with tests by looking at their code.

          BTW, I figured out a pure Gradle approach and I shared it here This approach performs three actions in sequence in the `doFirst` block of the “generateJooq” task:

          1. starts a postgres instance using testcontainers
          2. runs flyway migration against this postgres container
          3. configures the “generateJooq” task itself to use the postgres container

          Step 3 is tricky since the “jooqConfiguration” field of “generateJooq” is private and we have to access it using reflection.

          1. Oh, I see, thanks for the clarification. The blog’s comment indentation isn’t too good – I should have noticed who you were replying to.

          2. Hey Yao,

            We unit test our migrations separately from running Flyway and jOOQ code generation:

            Here is a sample Java migration with Flyway:

            Here is the unit test for it:

            The unit test extends from this class, which launches its own Postgres testcontainer:

            We don’t reuse the same testcontainer because the unit tests happen before and separately from jOOQ code generation. The overall build process is like:

            – In the lib module:
            Step 1. Compile migration code
            Step 2. Run unit test in testcontainer
            Step 3. Create the jar including the migration code
            – In the jooq module
            Step 4. Use the jar from the lib module to run Flyway and generate jOOQ code in a separate testcontainer

            These steps may not need to be run together all the time. When developing and testing the migrations, we only run step 1 & 2 in IDE.

            It’s totally possible that we can reuse the same testcontainer for both step 2 and step 4. But the current setup works for our use case. So we did not look into consolidating them.

            Also thanks for sharing the gist.

  2. Maybe specific to my build tool (mvnd) or OS (MacOs), i’m left with dangling containers, fixed it by removing the containers manually. Incase someone is having similar problem



    import org.testcontainers.containers.PostgreSQLContainer
    import org.testcontainers.utility.DockerImageName

    DockerImageName postgresImage = DockerImageName.parse(“timescale/timescaledb:latest-pg14”).asCompatibleSubstituteFor(“postgres”);
    db = new PostgreSQLContainer(postgresImage)

    db.start()‘db.url’, db.getJdbcUrl())‘db.containerId’, db.containerId)



    pr = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(“docker rm -f ” +“db.containerId”))

  3. Is it possible to make this work with Java based migrations for Flyway? My suspicion is no, due to the where things are happening in the various phases, but if anyone has gotten this working I’d love to know more.

  4. Can this be done for a database that does not provide a testcontainer out of the box? I am using testcontainers for my integration tests, but I must use a custom GenericContainer because none is provided for my database by the testcontainers project.

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