When to Use jOOQ and When to Use Native SQL

A frequently encountered doubt people have when using jOOQ is to decide when a "complex" query should be written using jOOQ API vs. when it should be implemented using native SQL. The jOOQ manual is full of side by side examples of the same query, e.g. Using jOOQ: ctx.select(AUTHOR.FIRST_NAME, AUTHOR.LAST_NAME, count()) .from(AUTHOR) .join(BOOK).on(AUTHOR.ID.eq(BOOK.AUTHOR_ID)) .groupBy(AUTHOR.ID, AUTHOR.FIRST_NAME, … Continue reading When to Use jOOQ and When to Use Native SQL

jDBI: A simple convenience layer on top of JDBC

I'm always looking out for similar tools like jOOQ, or at least tools that work in the same domain - the domain of database access abstraction. jDBI looks lovely. It provides simple solutions for what JDBC is lacking in general. Here are a couple of features (taken from the intro): Fluent API JDBC is quite … Continue reading jDBI: A simple convenience layer on top of JDBC